Pizza Night Folks

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We love Pizza. A lot. It’s a super easy and fun meal to make together as a family. These are some of our favorite ingredients for you to whip up a delicious pizza night. Due to our dietary needs we make ours Gluten and Dairy Free. Yes it is possible to have a pizza taste good that is Gluten and Dairy free! I know, I know, I was skeptical too…but it is goooood! Give ‘er a whirl and let me know what you think.


Pizza dough. (make from scratch or use GF pre-measured bags from grocery store. i.e Pamela’s or Bob’s Red mill)

Sauce: (you’ll have extra so I freeze for next time)

1/2 Can Tomato sauce

8oz Tomato paste

2T Garlic minced and grilled

1Tea Italian seasoning


Have fun and imagine whatever suites your fancy! We enjoy any or ALL of the following:

Canadian bacon/sausage/pepperoni/cherry tomatoes/spinach/peppers/pineapple/olives

Mozzarella cheese (we use Daiya for a DF option)

3-4T Parmassan is yummy if diet allows


Make dough according to instructions. *Heads up- you usually need to make 1-2 hours ahead of time to allow time to let rise. Then bake dough prior to putting toppings on.

While dough is baking I cook the garlic in some butter (DF) then add to a medium bowl with the tomato sauce, paste, and seasonings.

In the remaining drippings from the garlic and butter I grill the cherry tomatoes (cut in half and face down in pan).

Once the dough has baked from 8-10 minutes remove from oven and slap some sauce yumminess on it. Kids love this part. Last, pile on the toppings of your dreams. Can’t go wrong with this part. Stack it high.

Bake until cheese melts. 8-10 minutes. Remove from oven and let sit 5 minutes before slicing. Enjoy!

Here’s some images of our pizza deliciousness… so simple and so good. If I can do it, believe me, you sure can. Kids have a blast helping out too.


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Happy pizza night folks! Mmmmm

Farmhouse Friday

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Baskets. Baskets and more baskets. We use baskets of all shapes and sizes around the home to store anything and everything. Even sweet potatoes! There’s something about fresh produce in a wire basket that speaks to my heart. I love seeing the produce we will enjoy as a family that week. It brings me back to our roots of a simple life out on the farm and enjoying the harvest. Psst Secret… I don’t have a garden or farm that produces such bounty, (maybe someday?!) but I can still enjoy the beauty of organic produce from other local farmers in our community. Speaking of, if you missed it, go see “Our Local” post yesterday for ways you can support local growers.  Have a wonderful Farmhouse Friday, friends. We appreciate you being here!

Our Local- Rhubarb Market


The Rhubarb Market is located at 1202 N Wenatchee Ave, Wenatchee WA 98801. I am loving this local market! They support local farmers and value an organic whole food lifestyle. Feeding the body real food. Thank you Rhubarb Market for working hard to bring good food into our homes! They also are apart of the CSA program. You can get a box each week throughout the year (pick up either Wednesday or Thursday) with fresh local produce, as well as recipes with ideas on how to use what is included for that week. Isn’t that fabulous?! The CSA starts June 7th 2017, and if you sign up by May 31st you get 5% off for the year. So go check it out and benefit from the greatness of our local farmers! For all of you out-of-towners there are sure to be ways to support your very own local farmers as well. Take the time to research. I know you’ll be blessed and the farmers in your very own “local” will be too!




Oh yes, it’s true. J5 coffee is here too! The best of the best. Go get yourself a freshly roasted bag. It’s delish. Or, for all you coffee lovers, you can sign up to have a bag put into your box each week when you sign up for CSA. BOOM. Can it get any better? I think not.



You guys! The local raw honey. Ummm, yes please. It is so good! The kids (and me to be honest) are loving dipping their veggies, almonds, pecans, and cashews in it for snacks. It’s fabulous for baking and in tea/coffee too. Go get yourself a batch. You’ll love it!

They have a small refrigerated section with a variety of vegan options, farm fresh eggs, and milk. We get our raw milk here from Pride and Joy Farms. It is AmAzInG! A little glass goes down real nice I tell ya.

Follow Rhubarb Market on Facebook and Instagram for updates and local events. I just saw homemade Tamales can be pre-ordered for pick up. Can I get a woot woot! Get your order in today!

Thanks for coming by the blog today for ‘Our Local,’ friends! Happy shopping and supporting ‘Our Local’. Love where you live and love those you live with.


Farmhouse Friday

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Welcome to this weeks Farmhouse Friday at The White Barn Farm. Many of you came by and saw us at the Rustique Divas Vintage Market. Thank you for coming! It was such a fun day. Of course I had to sneak away for a moment to explore the other vendors while there. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, right?! So for today’s Farmhouse Friday I am featuring this colorful quilt that I SCORED. I love all the sweet patterns and bright spring colors. I’ve found that a vintage quilt can make for a simple way to bring color and texture to a neutral space. Aaand, we all know how I love neutrals. Wink. So a splash of color is a great way for me to ‘branch-out’ and enjoy it for a (short, ha!) season. I have quite the collection of quilts around our home as they make fantastic forts, boats, ice-rinks, cars, restaurants,…okay let’s just cover our basis and say basically anything the kids can imagine. Oh yes, and they keep you warm on a cool day/night. Or let’s not forget how wonderful a quilt is to lay out while on a picnic. And how about snuggling up with one of these while sitting by the campfire eating a s’more. Yes please, I’ll take ten of them. No not the s’mores… the quilts! Hmmm, wait, I think I may have that many. Check your local thrift shops, antique stores, or vintage markets to snag a quilt of your liking too. I hope you’ll find as many reasons to love them as much as I. Thanks for coming by the blog today, dear friends.  I hope you have a fantastic weekend. Come on sunshine show us your pretty face. Can I get an Amen?!

PS. We’ll keep you posted on our “Gather” page of future events we will be at. So be sure to stay tuned.

Farmhouse Friday- and a Happy Birthday!


Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here because today is not only our family Farmhouse Friday, but also a very Happy Birthday to our boy! He turns SIX today! There’s not a better way to start a six year olds day than with a birthday plate (with his name and birthday on it of course), his favorite granola (with added birthday sprinkles in it of course), fresh raspberries and blueberries (with added chocolate chips of course), and a blue candle (because blue is his favorite color of course). And let me tell ya, that’s just the beginning. After this little morning appetizer we are headed into his favorite bakery for a donut. It’s tradition. And the kids absolutely LOVE it. Then it’s burgers for lunch with grandpa and grandma, target shooting for the afternoon, a deli-sandwich from Fred Meyer for dinner (lol- he saw it while we grocery shopped this week and that’s what he wants!) then lastly it’s a Davey Crocket movie night and root beer floats with his cousins to close out the big day. Wow, what a day. Oh the joys of a six year old birthday. We’re all looking forward to celebrating with some good ol’ fashion fun and adventure. He has such a tender heart and sweet spirit about him. We are so proud of the man he’s becoming. God gave us a blessing with the life of Silas. We love him so.

Thanks for coming by and celebrating with us here at The White Barn Farm. Enjoy the weekend ahead, friends!

PS. Aren’t birthdays the best?! Especially at SIX. 🙂

New Domain-

white-barn-farmHi Friends,

We have our new domain up and running! I am still learning all the ins-and-outs of this blogging gig. So thanks for being patient with me as our website was down for a few days. We appreciate you continuing to follow along in our adventure. We are truly thankful for each one of you!

So, … Here we are! Much simpler than the previous one. I like simple. Simple is good. Very good.