Farmhouse Friday: The Lil’ White Barn Farm People


Happy Farmhouse Friday! We recently ventured out to snap a few family pictures of these special people. It was one of those days where I was not ready to get everyone all ‘dolled up’ for pictures. So with a quick rummage through closets and the shoe bin (AKA our apple crates stacked in the garage–works fantastic, try it!) this is as good as it got. Truth be told, I’m thankful my dear husband encouraged us to just go for it and get it done! He was right. We were long overdue for updated pictures. We simply met up with some friends and took their family pictures and then they took ours. This was a fantastic way to save some moolah and capture some precious faces. Phew, got er’ done. Living up the Farmhouse Friday today with the cowgirl boots my eight year old rocked with her capri’s. Why I let her leave the house with capri’s and cowgirl boots you may say? Mmmm, welllll, it is what it is! After all, remember, we’re homeschooled so we know how to wear things like this in confidence. Lol, kidding. Kinda. 😉

So here they are. Growing all too fast. Isn’t time is a peculiar thing? One thing Mr. C-Mac and I have been reminding each other (okay let’s be honest, he has been reminding me!) is that it just takes small moments, with intentionality, over a long period of time to build relationship. These small increments of time will multiply to be a beautifully painted canvas of trust, love, and honesty shared as adults someday. It’s mind boggling to me as I look into the sweet, innocent eyes of an eight, six, four, and two year old that we will spend the majority of our lives knowing and relating to one another as adults. O how these are precious years, my friends. Let’s be intentional with the time we have now as we anticipate a future of joy in our relationships. By grace alone.


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